How long after mating do cockatiel lay eggs

Many owners do not know how long after mating do cockatiel lay, kingdom cockatiel team will offer you all basic information you will need to know about cockatiel egg laying. Enjoy!

Table of Contents

1 How long after mating does a bird lay an egg?

2 How many times do cockatiels mate before they lay eggs?

3How do you tell if a cockatiel is going to lay eggs?

4 Can a female cockatiel lay eggs without mating?

 How long after mating does a bird lay an egg?

Let’s starting with one of the most common questions is how long after mating do cockatiel lay eggs.

First, all owners/breeders have different answers. Some say two weeks while others say lees or more days, however, it might not take specific time for cockatiels to lay their eggs. Because this depending on female cockatiel’s health.

Second, mating does not necessarily mean eggs! Cockatiels will sometimes mate even if the female is not ready to lay eggs. If you’re breeding your cockatiel you should prepare your hen cockatiel for this hard time by providing mineral block or cuttlebone, for calcium, and a good protein source may this help encourage her to start laying sooner .

How do you tell if a cockatiel is going to lay eggs?

 Probably, you won’t notice visible signs on your cockatiel bird but, we will offer you the most normal cockatiel egg laying signs.

1- Female poop will be bigger/ huge. (This will be obvious sign).

2- Sometime, they mate more than usual.

3- Male cockatiel will start to prepare the nest.

4- Often, Female cockatiel will sleep almost all the day and looks like she is sick.

5- you may see female abdomen swollen.

How many times do cockatiels mate before they lay eggs?

Most pairs will mate at least once a day. While some can mate several times a day or a week, and often they mate in between each egg. And also there is exceptional pair who laying eggs after first mating! But keep in mind that mating doesn’t necessarily mean eggs!

Can a female cockatiel lay eggs without mating?

Yes, Female cockatiel can lay eggs with or without a male. If you don’t know, two females can work their nesting box as a true pair and also, both females will lay eggs without a mate, but the eggs will not be fertile. If you only have a female, it is best for her to not lay eggs since it will be fruitless. Furthermore, it will reduce her lifespan!


Mating does not always result in eggs, and there is no set time for how long after mating do cockatiel lay eggs.

We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or problems please let us know in the comment section below and we will answer you as soon as we can.

see more :

How to make cockatiels mate

Male cockatiel mating behavior

Female cockatiel mating behavior