Lutino cockatiel breeding

Lutino cockatiel breeding, the lutino cockatiel birds are breeding such as another birds no different. breeder need to knows about lutino cockatiel breeding behavior, cockatiel breeding food, cockatiel breeding months, how many times cockatiel breeds in a year and cockatiel breeding box setup  

whoever, I thing how is asked these questions have no experience about cockatiel birds so, don’t worry at all I am going to answer your question. in this article

cockatiel breeding behavior

lutino cockatiel breeding behavior, for the first time owners will notice his lutino cockatiel do these behaviors, dance he give a little jump from please to another Following the female with his calls, fluff up his feathers and bob his head. He is quite comical. You will absolutely have some fun time watching him. Male cockatiel also tapping his beak on the walls of the cage or on the nesting box to get the attention of Female. Male cockatiel mating behavior

Then lutino cockatiel male in the breeding period he starts to Prepare the nest then goes inside the nest and start singing Male cockatiel will do all the investigations of the box before letting his female enter. He doing this by looking into the entrance hole several times a day.

 Also chewing the hole of the box to making it wider and the possible explanation to this behavior that he is trying to make a safety entrance this to prepare the nest for his female who will bring him beautiful little chicks.

warning ,they bite and becomes aggressive to defend their nest.  

Second, may you notice the lutino female spending a long time in the nest and she will drink a lot of water to fill the developing eggs so, If the female cockatiel has not come out of the nest, she may have laid an egg, the female cockatiel lutein lays eggs every 48 hours. Sometimes, the incubation time of cockatiels is from 17 to 21 days. Occasionally, a female lutein cockatiel lays about 5-4 eggs the first egg will start to hatch sometimes on the day 18  and typically hatch at day 21 the Chick takes about 2-3 days to hatch.

cockatiel breeding food

lutino cockatiel breeding food, especially female you have to do these steps when your lutino cockatiel breeding female requires heathy food such as vegetables, fruit, little of bread. lutino cockatiels very like cooked eggs and rice

 There are three Problems with lutino cockatiel breeding .

1- you should not move the cage, it will not feel safe and they may leave the eggs.


Lutino cockatiel need a lot of observer intense during breeding because Sometimes the lutino female is affectionate and does not come out of the nest so as not to leave the eggs if you don’t check up her she will die in the nest from hunger.  In this case, I will tell you what to do .the breeder, must take the female out of the nest to eat her and give her the food she loves, such as eggs or rice, and if she does not eat, he tries to feed her herself until she gets used to the situation and he comes out on his own.   

3-Sometimes parents don’t feed their chicks there are several reasons, either the chick is sick, so they let him die or, When parents are their first time, they don’t know how to feed them. so, The breeder must feed them by himself.

cockatiel breeding months

There is no time or month when they lay eggs, lutino cockatiels lay eggs every month, but there are months when mating is convenient for them, as wild cockatiels breed from spring to early autumn. This is because the conditions are the most favorable, however, it is very important to note that you should have no more than two clutches per year to avoid physical stress and health problems

How do you know when cockatiels are ready to mate?

the dance then he give a little jump from please to another Following the female with his calls, fluff up his feathers and bob his head. He is quite comical. You will absolutely have some fun time watching him. Male cockatiel also tapping his beak on the walls of the cage or on the nesting box to get the attention of Female When the female cockatiel is ready to mate she will bow down This position makes it possible for the lutino cockatiel male to mate with her.     There is no specific time for the female to lay her egg after mating, sometime it is about a week or 15 days and some of them lay an egg about one day after mating.

How many times can cockatiels breed?

Lutino cockatiel Females lay their eggs throughout the year and do not stop until they are being old because, the cockatiel birds one of the that like to breed but do not forget to make them rest from eggs so that they do not get diseases or die if they do not take a break from laying eggs,

Can you breed two Lutino cockatiels? We will talk about this in detail in the next article.

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